Elders and cultural representatives from Murujuga will travel to Sydney this month to showcase the significance of Murujuga to more than 1,500 international cultural heritage experts gathering for ICOMOS GA2023. ICOMOS – the International Council on Monuments and Sites – is the global organisation that serves as the principal advisory body on cultural heritage to the UNESCO World Heritage...
Amid steaming heat, a wide range of scientific fieldwork has been underway on Murujuga this month as MAC Rangers and scientists progress the collection of data for the Murujuga Rock Art Monitoring Program (MRAMP). Curtin University Professor Ben Mullins and his team of engineers and air quality experts have been checking and installing additional instrumentation in some of the 21 new air...
Photo: Pansy Hicks is one of the members of the Murujuga Circle of Elders who speaks in the video. The nomination for World Heritage Listing of the Murujuga Cultural Landscape has been led by the Murujuga Circle of Elders and MAC Board and team. In this 3 minute video, some of those involved share their thoughts on what they hope the nomination will achieve. For more information,...
Members of the Murujuga Circle of Elders, Murujuga Aboriginal Corporation Board of Directors and MAC membership today celebrated the submission of the World Heritage nomination for the Murujuga Cultural Landscape to the UNESCO World Heritage Committee. The Murujuga Cultural Landscape is an area of around 100,000 hectares that includes the Burrup Peninsula, Dampier Archipelago, and the...