Joint media release: Next step in Murujuga World Heritage nomination

Joint media release: Next step in Murujuga World Heritage nomination

This joint media statement has been re-published from the website of the Federal Environment Minister here.

The UNESCO World Heritage Centre has formally accepted the nomination for World Heritage status for Murujuga Cultural Landscape and it is now entering the next stage of the World Heritage Listing process.

The Albanese and Cook Governments were proud to nominate the Murujuga Cultural Landscape, supporting a bid prepared by the Murujuga Aboriginal Corporation in February 2023.

This precious part of Western Australia is of immense cultural and spiritual significance with thousands of generations of continuous culture and practice. The extensive petroglyph collection holds stories and traditions that span more than 50,000 years.

It is a spectacular and deeply important area that deserves to be recognised globally for its significance.

The nomination has been referred to experts from the International Council on Monuments and Sites who will arrange a visit to the site to assess it for inscription onto the World Heritage List.
Following this evaluation process, the nomination will be considered by the World Heritage Committee next year.

If accepted, Murujuga would be the second site in Australia listed for World Heritage Status for First Nations cultural heritage.

The WA Government last year announced there would be no further new greenfield development on the Burrup Peninsula and recently announced 254 hectares of land would be transferred to the Murujuga National Park, including four land parcels that had previously been set aside for industry.

The federal government shares this vision. That’s why we supported the Murujuga Aboriginal Corporation with $2 million to progress the new agreement making framework.

Quote attributable to Murujuga Aboriginal Corporation CEO (Mr) Kim Wood:

“The Murujuga Elders, our Board and our Membership, who have led this nomination, will be delighted with it progressing to evaluation.

“The Traditional Owners and Custodians for Murujuga – the Ngarda-Ngarli – have long desired to have Ngarda-Ngarli decision-making and governance at the heart of the management of Murujuga, and over the past twenty years, they have sought to have this approach reflected in a World Heritage nomination.

“Murujuga is a deeply storied landscape where the ancestors of Ngarda-Ngarli lived and thrived for thousands of generations.

“Every part of this landscape is inscribed with that history, culture and lore that has managed Ngurra (country) for 50,000 years.

“We hope that this next part of the nomination process will be a step towards the whole world seeing Murujuga and its significance in the way the Ngarda-Ngarli do.”

Quotes attributable to the Federal Minister for the Environment and Water Tanya Plibersek:

“It’s fantastic to see the World Heritage List nomination proceed to the next step.”
“Murujuga is a natural wonder of the world – a place for all Australians to reflect on thousands of years of continuous living culture.

“It is a site of living heritage; of ongoing, unbroken cultural practice.

“When I have visited Murujuga, I have been struck by how special it is.

“You see over 50,000 years of knowledge and heritage of the Ngarda-Ngarli people engraved into the hard volcanic rock. We believe it must be protected for future generations.”

Quotes attributable to WA Minister for Environment and Climate Action Reece Whitby:

“Murujuga’s cultural and spiritual significance is immense, and I’m thrilled to see its nomination for World Heritage status accepted.

“This nomination would not be possible were it not for the work of Traditional Owners.

“The Cook Government is committed to protecting Murujuga and showcasing its cultural and archaeological value to the world.”

Photo: (credit Murujuga Aboriginal Corporation). The Murujuga Cultural Landscape encompasses 100,000ha of land and sea country, including the Dampier Archipelago, Burrup Peninsula and surrounding waters and submerged landscapes.

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