Do you live in Roebourne, Weymul, Cheeditha, Ngurrawana or 5 Mile?
Are you having trouble getting to the shops for groceries or need a bit of extra help to buy groceries?
Call Rebecca or Carrie in Yaandina’s Family Support team on 9182 1120. They can help with food cards, pre-packed grocery boxes and blankets and sheets.
Items will be delivered to your door so you can stay safe at home.
A collective of Pilbara organisations is collaborating on a project to ensure food security for Roebourne and communities during the coronavirus pandemic.
The Food Safety and Healthy Homes initiative recognises that in times of food stress that people in more remote towns and communities will be disproportionately affected by lack of access to transport and depleted food supplies and will struggle to access the items they need.
To overcome this and using the NYFL owned property at 44 Roe Street in Roebourne as a warehouse and distribution point, people will be able to use Emergency Relief cards to purchase grocery items, including healthy frozen meals made in the NYFL café, as well as access pre-made boxes of charitable grocery items, donated by SecondBite.
The service will be delivery- only, for the duration of the Coronavirus pandemic, including delivery to the communities of Cheeditha, 5 Mile, Weymul and Ngurrawana.
The collective comprises who have donated is the:
- Ngarluma Yindjibarndi Foundation Ltd
- Ngarliyarndu Bindirri
- Murujuga Aboriginal Corporation
- Yaandina Community Services
- Ngarluma Aboriginal Corporation
- Empowering People in Communities
- One Tree Community Services
Source: Ngaarda Media